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Expression of love and kindness help a poor people

Chandan Singh Foundation Donating spirit of Shradh, the sacred period of paying homage to ancestors and showing reverence, let us extend our compassion and support to those less fortunate. During this time of remembrance and reflection, the act of helping the poor becomes a profound expression of love and kindness.

As we observe Shradh, a sacred time of remembering our ancestors and reflecting on the deeper meaning of life, let us channel our reverence into a tangible force for good. In the midst of our rituals and prayers, we have the power to make a lasting impact on the lives of those struggling with adversity.

Event mission

Supporting marriage is important for building strong families and communities. There are many ways to provide support,offering counseling services, just this one time,financial assistance, or legal aid to couples in need. By

During Shradh, consider contributing to community kitchens, food drives, or local charities that focus on providing meals to those in need. In honoring our ancestors, we can also honor the sacred bond of shared humanity by ensuring no one goes to bed hungry

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